Paul and Marty Law

Updates from Paul and Marty Law

November 24, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude - Thanksgiving Update 2009

Paul and Marty Law (click to view larger image)Americans are fully aware that this is a week to express our appreciation to our creator, God. Thanksgiving is an American Holiday. Here in Congo it is just another day of work. That is, IF you have work!

As we reflect on Thanksgiving, we are reminded to praise Him. We praise Him for His Son and salvation and The Cross and His Word. These give purpose and fulfillment to our existence. It is always a positive thing to express praise.

I praise Him for each other, for my Mother, Paul’s step-parents, our children, grandchildren, for health, for ministry to future generations through the children’s Bible classes, for the Pastors school students, for the church leadership, for our Congolese co-horts, "The Jesus Film," for contentment, for friends, for faithful ones who pray for us, for supporters, for His provision and supply, for difficult days that press us into Him, for days that challenge our faith, for His love, for His chastisement which "hurts" but is for our growth. In Ps. 8, it tells us he has ordained praise to silence the foe and the avenger.

Here in Congo, we have to create our own ‘atmosphere’. I have decorated the living room/dining room area. On Thanksgiving Day, we will celebrate with our dear friend, Pastor Kitambala and his wife, Mama Helen.

We will have guinea, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes made from local potatoes, which are about the size of your thumb, and we will have the rest of the trimmings. Of course, we will have to have rice and the green, djese, for our Congolese guests. We will have the ‘smell’ of a Thanksgiving kitchen!

We will watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade from 2008 on our monitor that our dear friend, Leon Parisoe recorded for us. We will pretend for a few hours that we are in America!

We are thankful, Marty and Paul

November 9, 2009

Dear Friends,

Enjoy some photos of recent events in the Congo!

Welcome and Gifts (click to view larger photo)Some of the church leadership with gifts of welcome of a chicken, rice, eggs and pineapples with Paul translating for Kip Reuter and Phil Dendy (middle). They came for a preliminary visit for a large work team that will come out to finish up the major water project for the mission in late Fall 2010.


New Bible Memory Class for October 2009:

Bible Class (October 2009) (click to view larger photo)

Puppets (Nov 2009) (click to view larger photo)Puppet Ministry. Pray for us as we begin working with puppets for the children this Wednesday. I am excited as I think the children will love them!


Children's Feast.
This was a feast that we had for the children who had memorized Matthew 5,6,7. This was a rare experience as they were actually eating at a table, with all of the food they wanted and especially meat, Children's Feast (Nov 2009) (click to view larger photo)which they rarely eat. Plus they drank a soda each. This would be a first time experience for them to eat at the table of a missionary. When they left we handed each of them a package of rolls to take home to their families!

Evangelism: Showing The Jesus Film-The vehicle took the equipment for the film to an impassable stream. Men then carried the supplies to show the film across the stream and to their village. Pastor Kitambala showed the film in three different villages that we could not reach by car!

Jesus Film (Nov 2009) (click to view larger photo)

Thank you for your prayers and your support,

Marty and Paul